Why 'SALT'

The metaphor salt is to indicate the thought of THEORY for architecture. Salt as an ingredient cannot be directly consumed, but without it, the recipe remains tasteless. The same idea applies to architectural theories. Here, the intention is to create a platform where various architectural theories and theorists can be discussed, reviewed, and further dissected to apply it in the tangible world. A theory for architecture remains in the intangible ways, if not applied, but that does not mean that every theory has a direct application. The point here is that an architectural theory most of the times acts as this ingredient ‘salt’ and we cannot expect it to be in direct conversation with the idea of built-forms, but definitely can be added in the right proportion to shape an idea to a thought, which in turn is subjected to changes and finally ‘the end product’.
Hence the name ‘SALT’
We welcome you all to contribute, and to make this a more tasteful recipe.

Please feel free to mail your essays to publish on this blog and keep commenting (your name with comments will be highly appreciated).

Contact email

Tushar gaur: ar.tushar@gmail.com
Shoonya: shoonyar@gmail.com

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Idea of Blog"

In an ‘Ashram’ on one chilling winter evening, guruji(Preacher) explained his shishyas (pupils) about Sharstraarth(learning through discussion and critiques). Few students seemed dissatisfied with the explanations and logics given by the gurujiGuruji understood it and asked one of seemingly unsatisfied shishya to bring the most shining and brightest burning coal from fireplace and put it next to him. The shishyadid exactly as asked. Guruji kept on discussing and after some time layer of ashes deposited on the shining and bright burning coal next to guruji. Pointing to that piece of coal guruji asked the same shishya “where is that shine, fire and beauty of this coal gone while ones in the fireplace are still shining and burning”. Student replied, “Fire and beauty of coals in fireplace is intact because of others”. Guruji smiled and replied, “if you wish to retain fire inside you, be in company of man with fire and one of the process retain this fire is Sharstraarth”.
We propose, acquiring knowledge can be defined as a system. A system of ‘constants’ and ‘variable. Here we refer ‘Constant’ to ‘set of knowledge’ which one possess and ‘variable’ to ‘set of inquires’ or questions which one has. Values of both sets are independent as well as interdependent. ‘Constant’ is the base which projects some values to ‘variable’. On this platform our search is in exploring values of the ‘variables’ on basis of our current ‘constants’, these values can convert variable to constant and vice-versa. This exploration adds to both sets of ‘Constants’ and ‘Variables’. We strongly believe that this system holds the second law of thermodynamics and will find its stability in ‘entropy’. By entropy, I mean the knowledge of various aspect and dimensions, which deconstruct single opinion on issue and these opinions, change as per situations.
Architects as thinkers contribute to forces, which shape our physical world. Here idea is to identify, explore and review forces, which shape our already shaped ideas or us. Here we do not intend to win debate but to come on terms with various igniting thoughts. Purpose here is neither to neutralize or nullify nor to prove opinion but to understand hidden logic of variety of opinions. We do not intend to conclude but express and initiate a platform as proposed above.

* this post was in 'Introduction' of 'SALT' which is removed 'on suggestion'.

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